Wednesday 17 April 2013


Hello :D

The new topic is Spreadsheet. What are these ??

Spreadsheet is a program for processing number and calculations.
Every box is called a cell and cells are formed by gridelines. A cell may contain these Label- a title for a row or column, Value - number,  Formula - used for performing calculations. Cell reference is how a cell is identified

With spreadsheet I`m going to talk about Microsoft Office Excel. There is alot of options you can do
 with Excel. For example : Inserting new rows or colums, centereing headings, page set up ( paper orientantion, page margins, paper size etc ), Picking Decimal places and currency, Replicating cells, Using Formulas (example =C5*C9) , Functions (These include SUM - to add up, MIN - finding smallest value, MAX - finding largest value, Average - calculating the average value of a group of cells, COUNT - counts number of cells that contain a number) , Sorting -ascending or descending order.

This is a short video clip. I know maybe it is a bit complicated as there are more functions being used but it will give you an idea.

This is it for this topic ! I hope you got an idea on the uses of spreadsheet !!! :D
Bye bye

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