Thursday, 18 April 2013


Today`s last topic we`re going to tackle is Storage.

This video explains the differences between the 2 types of storage. These are the Primary storage and the Secondary Storage.

Now we`re going to talk about the Secondary Storage more in detail !!

Secondary storage are divided in 3 : Magnetic Media
                                                           Optical Media
                                                           Electronic Media

Example of Magnetic Media : - Magnetic tape, Hard disk, Floppy disk
                   Optical Media - CDs and DVDs
                  Electronic Media - Pen drives, Meomory Cards, MP 3 players etc

Well that`s it for today good night !!! :)
Tomorrow or some day we `re going to start Robotics !! :)

Bye bye good night :)


Hello !!! :)
    How are you ?? Today`s next topic is databases so what are databases...
Databases is the set of information on one subject. A database contains a number of files (tables), each containing a number of records. Each record has a number of fields each containing a number of data items.

And I also found a video that explains everything and also gives you an example.

Data types
The type of data in certain fields is different from the type of data found in other fields.
Here is another video clip. Sorry it`s abit long.... Here it is going to show you different types of data.

This is it !!! I hope you liked it !!! 
 Bye bye !!


Heyyyy again !!!! :)
         Next is E-mail :)
E-Mail is short for electronic Mail. In these E-Mails you can add even pictures, video and even sounds, These are called Attachments.

These are the parts of an E-Mail address. 
Mail of any kind requires an address to reach its destination.

Now here I found this video clip about how to create an E-Mail. I think you may find it interesting !! :)

Well, that`s all for this topic !!! We`ve completed this topic as well !!! :)

Well thanks for reading my blog !!! :)
    Bye bye !!


Heyy !!! :)
  How is everyone ?? So today`s new topic is about the Internet.
      The internet is a network of computers from all over the world linked together.The modem is the hardware with which the computer is connected to the Internet .

Now what is the ISP ??? This is the Internet service provider . This is a company that provides an Internet connection.

I found this short video clip, which will help you find out more stuff about the Internet including What is a Web Browser ? What is a search engine ? What are Favorites ? and much more....

Well this is it about the Internet. Very soon I`ll be uploading what is an email, probably today !!
Bye bye ttyl !! :)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Hello :D

The new topic is Spreadsheet. What are these ??

Spreadsheet is a program for processing number and calculations.
Every box is called a cell and cells are formed by gridelines. A cell may contain these Label- a title for a row or column, Value - number,  Formula - used for performing calculations. Cell reference is how a cell is identified

With spreadsheet I`m going to talk about Microsoft Office Excel. There is alot of options you can do
 with Excel. For example : Inserting new rows or colums, centereing headings, page set up ( paper orientantion, page margins, paper size etc ), Picking Decimal places and currency, Replicating cells, Using Formulas (example =C5*C9) , Functions (These include SUM - to add up, MIN - finding smallest value, MAX - finding largest value, Average - calculating the average value of a group of cells, COUNT - counts number of cells that contain a number) , Sorting -ascending or descending order.

This is a short video clip. I know maybe it is a bit complicated as there are more functions being used but it will give you an idea.

This is it for this topic ! I hope you got an idea on the uses of spreadsheet !!! :D
Bye bye

Logic gates

Heyyyy !! Second time for today :)

Next topic isssssss....................... Logic gatessssss :)

What it this logic gate ??? These are small electronic decision-making hardware devices that are fed one or more inputs but give only one output.

This brings us to the truth table that is used to define the output of a logic gate or circuit for all possible combinations.

Logic gates there are 3 :

These are the 3 logic gates along with symbol and truth table

The AND gate and the OR gate can have more then 2 inputs
These 3 logic gates can be put together to form a logic circuit and using the truth table for each of the gate we can determinate the circuits truth table.
This is an example

This is it for now. If you have any questions or problems about this topic feel free to ask !! :D
Bye bye !! :)

Binary 3

Heyyy againn !!
So next we have c) The conversion between Binary to hexadecimal
(I know this is d on the previous post but this well help you for c )

I found this video. It is showing and explaining how you should do this type of conversion.

Next we have vice vesa. Where we are going to convert hexadecimal back into a binary digit.
Okay so I found this example, which I can explain with. Okay so what do we do first. 1) We split our hexadecimal number. For example in this case 5 and F. 2) Then we say what is 5 made of in binary sort of way. 3) Then we take F which is 15 and we do the same thing. 4) Last we put the numbers together and there you go You have your binary number :) Easy right ??
Last but not least we have the last 2 which don`t really need an explanion. These are decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa. We do these like this :
If a have a deciaml which I want it to be a hexadecimal number, I have to do these steps : I have to convert that number into a binary number and then convert it to a hexadeciaml that way. So we have to use what I explained before.
If a have a hexadecimal number this time to convert it to a decimal we have to do it like this : First you convert it to a binary number and then to a decimal number.
So now you even learned about conversions. Feel free to leave any questions for me to respond
Bye bye till next time !! :)

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Binary 2

Long time no see....

I`m going to continue the topic we began last time before the activity.

Next we are going to talk about conversions between a) Binary to decimal
                                                                                          b) Decimal to binary
                                                                                          c) Hexadecimal to binary
                                                                                          d) Binary to hexadecimal
                                                                                          e) Decimal to hexadecimal
                                                                                          f) Hexadeciamal to decimal

A) Binary to decimal
So as we see here the conversion between these 2 happen like that. The numbers were there is written decimal there are the
thing we did last time like 2 to the power of 7, 2 to the power of 6 etc..... Where there is 1 in the binary line, we add the the decimal up, where there is 0 we add the 0.

B) Decimal to Binary

This video will help you through it. It is extremely detailed and I have nothing to add to it.


This is it for now, not to make long posts so I won`t bore you. Very soon we`ll be discussing other conversions. Bye bye.....  

Monday, 4 February 2013


Heyyy !! Long time no see but I`ve been pretty busy !!!! :)


With the help of my teacher I found this activity that I think you guys will be interested in !!!! Check it out anf feel free to post any comments !!!!

On my computer the activity isn`t loading but hopefully on your does !!!! :( This activity is supposed to be about hardware and software. We talked about these subjects earlier.

Good luck !!! Bye bye :)