Thursday 6 December 2012

Keyboard !!!

Heyyyyy Mee againn,
        Today it`s going to be about
                                    Special Purpose Keyboard

Three examples of these can be ~ Pressure Sensitve Keyboard
This can be expained better by this video that me and my friend Antonella found for you :
This is usually used in point-of-sale.
The next one is ~ Touch Sensitive keyboard 
Here is some information basic information : 
  •  It’s a projected display, that can hook up to any Bluetooth enabled device, such as a PC, laptop, PDA etc.
  • The QWERTY keyboard display is projected onto a non-reflective surface, and detects the exact location where you touch the keyboard, relaying the keystroke back to your computer.
  • The keyboard is portable
  • It will work in a standard-lit room, but I’m sure that it looks best with the lights turned down low. 

 The last one is ~ Colour-coded keyboards
This is short video with some pictures  in it :
Some other examples may be Keyboards with larger keys or keyboards for one handed or one fingered typist !!
That`s all for today hope you`ll find it interesting. If you have any questions, don`t be shy just comment me and I`ll be happy to respond !!!!!!!!!
Good night ,

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