Friday 23 November 2012

Index - Word Processing

Heyyy againnnn , For the second time today !!! :) This time it is still going to be about word processing but about the last two advanced features of word processing. Which are Index and Tables of Contents. Let`s evaluate them one by one. First up isssss..............

Index........... What is the index ?? This is a list of words in a book that are mostly important in the book along with their page numbers and where these words may be found.
Watch this video to help you understand how to do it and what is the Index.

Well I have to go now !!! I`ll give you the instructions for the tables of contents very soon !!!

             Love always,

Word processing

Hey everyoneee, 
           Sorry I didn`t have time to post anything these last few days....... So today it is all going to be about................................................

Word Processing 

 What is the use of word processing ?????   

Word processing is used for the creation of text documents.
Word processor as many may know has various functions. Some that all know and some that maybe not everyone is familiar with them. These are some examples of functions :

  •  Text Editing
  • Word Wrap and Centering
  • Search and Replace 
  • Layout Settings
  • Headers, Footers and Page Numbering 
  • Style Sheets
  • Clipart
  • Print Preview 
  • Spelling Checker 

Have you every took any notice of  how the articles in magazines or newspapers look like ??

 Are you noticing  how the columns of words are ?? Well that is too another funtion of word processing. This function is also called columns in fact !!!!!!!!! :D

 Did you every have a party or a get-together and you did the invitations by computer and had to type every time the letter over and over again to personalize them ??? Well this is going to help you with that little problem and you won`t waste any more time. 

This is Mail-Merge

 Here is step by step how to do it :   


 Well That`s all for know. Later on today or the following week more features of word will be uploaded keep your eyes open for any posts !!! Enjoy the rest of your day :D  ......... 

If you have any questions please leave me a comment, I will be happy to respond you. 

     Your friend always,
                      Chantelle :)